Absalom Returns

Absalom Returns

In our last story, David’s son Absalom had his servants kill his brother Amnon because of what he did to Tamar and then he fled. In this story, Absalom returns from hiding after Joab devises a way to convince David, as inspired by 2 Samuel.

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2 Samuel 14:33
A heartwarming reunion between David and his son Absalom. Absalom had caused a family problem, but they both missed each other. Now, let's learn a new word: Reconciliation. It means bringing people back together after a problem. Sometimes, we have to be the ones to start reconciliation, just like David did. The best part is, we have reconciliation with God through Jesus. He brought us back to Him and wants us to reconcile with each other. God loves you, so you can thank Him for His love and the lesson of reconciliation.
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