After the Flood

After the Flood

Before this story, we learned about the flood and Noah’s Ark, and God’s promise to never flood the earth again. Now, we will learn about how Noah continues his family and about the Tower of Babel.

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Genesis 11:1
Instead of obeying God and spreading across the world to reflect Him, they stayed put and started to build the Tower of Babel. Do you think this made God sad? Of course, it did. All bad choices do. You see, God knows what’s best for us. He knows that we can only be happy with him. But sometimes people try to be happy without him. And that’s just not possible. Sin never brings happiness, because sin always separates us from God. So what did God do next? He confused their languages. Eventually, everyone who understood each other gathered together. Then finally, they spread across the earth to start new families and whole civilizations. God’s plan to fill the earth was back on track.
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