Ahaz: A Bad King

Ahaz: A Bad King

In this story we learn about King Ahaz and his idolatry influenced by the King of Assyria.

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2 Kings 16:10
King Ahaz's story reveals the importance of choosing our influences wisely. Ahaz, a wayward king, sought assistance from Assyria and admired their altar. However, this admiration led him to copy an altar that displeased God, continuing his disobedience. The lesson is clear: who we follow matters. Proverbs 13:20 emphasizes that associating with wise individuals leads to wisdom. While we should show kindness to all, our closest companions should inspire us to become more like Jesus. Despite challenges, God sees and promises to be with us, guiding us to reflect His love. Stay tuned for a brighter chapter with a righteous king!
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