Bringing the Ark Home

Bringing the Ark Home

In our last story we learned about David’s Mighty Men and with the Lord by his side, he took Jerusalem and defeated the Philistines. In this story, we will learn how David was able to bring the ark home, what happened when someone touched it, and David’s dancing in the street, as inspired by 2 Samuel and 1 Chronicles.

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2 Samuel 6:5
Jerusalem is the new capital, and David decides to return the ark to God's people. They celebrate with singing, dancing, and praising God along the way. However, there's an issue when they forget Moses' instructions on handling the ark, resulting in someone's death. David does what he often does: he prays and seeks God's guidance. David sets an excellent example of praising God, emphasizing its importance. Praising God involves thanking Him for His blessings and recognizing that all good things come from Him. Creation itself praises God, and even Jesus affirmed the importance of praise.
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