Captain of 50

Captain of 50

In our last story, we learned that Jehoshaphat decided to seek the Lord before battle, and the Lord helped set ambushes, which led to a victory for Israel. But Jehoshaphat (King of Judah) also made a pact with Ahaziah (King of Israel), which the Lord was not pleased with. In this story, we will learn about Ahaziah and what happened when he sought false gods, as inspired by 2 Kings.

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2 Kings 1:3-4
We celebrate the victory of faith as King Jehoshaphat transforms Judah. Instituting fair leadership and eliminating false worship, he unites the people in obedience to God. When faced with a formidable threat of three armies, fear grips Judah. Undeterred, Jehoshaphat leads them in prayer, recalling God's past faithfulness. Prophet Jahaziel assures them of God's victory. In a surprising twist, Judah faces the enemy with instruments, choosing worship over fear. This unconventional act embodies living by faith, believing God's truth amid uncertainty. Miraculously, the enemy self-destructs, fulfilling God's promise and showcasing the power of faith-filled worship.
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