Crossing the Jordan

Crossing the Jordan

In our last story, we learned about Rahab and how she hid the two spies sent by Joshua, and in return, they promised to spare her family. In this story, we learn about Joshua leading his people with incredible signs provided by God as they crossed the Jordan River, as inspired by the book of Joshua.

Joshua 4:3
The Israelites have finally reached Canaan after 400 years in Egypt and 40 years wandering the desert! Just like when God proved His presence by leaving Egypt, He did it again with a miracle. Moses was gone, but God wanted the Israelites to trust their new leader, Joshua. He had been faithful and God knew he would be a good leader. Joshua prepared them for the BIG DAY. The priests carried the Ark of the Covenant to the edge of the Jordan River. This special box, covered in gold with cherubim on top, contained the Ten Commandments, manna, and Aaron’s staff. When carried, it symbolized God's presence. As the priests stepped into the river, it miraculously stopped flowing! Step by step, the water piled up on each side, allowing the priests to walk on dry ground. In Canaan, they celebrated Passover, marking a new chapter. They no longer needed manna. A beautiful new life had begun.
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