David Repents

David Repents

In our last story, David slept with Uriah's wife, Bathsheba and she became pregnant. After trying to cover his sin, David had Joab place Uriah in a position to be killed in battle and David then married Bathsheba. In this story, Nathan the prophet will confront David and his sin, as inspired by 2 Samuel.

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2 Samuel 12:16
Nathan delivers a message from God, confronting David about his sins. David asks for forgiveness, and God forgives him. However, David's baby becomes very sick and eventually dies despite his fervent prayers. David grieves but then chooses to worship God because he knows God is good. He believes his baby is safe with God and that they will be reunited someday. David and Bathsheba have another baby, Solomon, who becomes known as the wisest man ever. Like David, we may have moments when we don't understand God's plan, but we should remember His love and care for us. Keep your questions about God and the Bible, and one day, they may be answered. Like David, worship God, express your love, and appreciate His blessings, even when things are hard.
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