David Returns to Jerusalem

David Returns to Jerusalem

In our last story, David’s servants defeated Israel and Absalom was stabbed by Joab. Joab then confronts David’s attitude. In this story, David will return to Jerusalem and the kingdom will be restored to him but Sheba will lead Israel away, as inspired by 2 Samuel.

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2 Samuel 20:2
In the midst of Israel's chaos, David makes a wise move to regain kingship without force. He hopes the people will want him back. David's wish comes true, and he captures their hearts once more. However, Sheba, a rebel, challenges David's authority, leading the ten tribes of Israel away from him. Following the crowd is easy, but choosing to go against the flow can be courageous. The men of Judah stayed loyal to David, despite the majority's rebellion. Jesus taught about the wide and narrow gates, emphasizing that the narrow path, though less popular, leads to life.
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