David Righting Wrongs

David Righting Wrongs

In the previous story, we learned that Sheba leads Israel away from David. In this story, we learn about a famine in the land and to make restitution to the Gibeonites, David collects the bones of Saul and Jonathan, and more war against the Philistines breaks out, as inspired by 2 Samuel.

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2 Samuel 21:1
In a time of famine, David seeks God's guidance, realizing silence may have a purpose. Like David, you might experience moments when it feels like your prayers are unanswered, leaving you in the dark. Sometimes, God withholds an answer because he wants you to make things right. This happened to David when he resolved a broken promise with the Gibeonites. This story ends with David, now older and weaker, facing Philistine foes. His friends step in, emphasizing the strength found in the family of God. They help one another in times of weakness, much like how we can support our friends.
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