Elijah at Mount Horeb

Elijah at Mount Horeb

In our last story, Elijah showed himself to Ahab and challenged all the prophets of Baal. The god, Baal gave no answer but the Lord answered Elijah’s prayer with fire. In this story, after finding rest and retreat at Mount Horeb, Elijah discovers the still, small voice of God as inspired by 1 Kings.

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1 Kings 19:8-9
After defeating the prophets of Baal, Queen Jezebel threatened him, and Elijah ran away, seeking refuge under a tree in the desert. God's first remedy? A snack and a nap, provided Elijah with the strength to journey to Mt. Horeb. Why Mt. Horeb? It's a special place where God has connected with His people, just like when Moses heard God from the burning bush. God instructed Elijah to find a friend, Elisha, offering him companionship. When life makes you feel sad or alone, remember what helped Elijah: a snack, a nap, a friend, and cherished time with God.
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