Elisha vs the Aram Soldiers

Elisha vs the Aram Soldiers

In this story, the King of Aram will try to capture Elisha and Elisha will blind his soldiers.

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2 Kings 6:16
In the midst of the Israel-Aram war, Elisha reveals the unseen spiritual world. The king of Aram, frustrated by Israel's knowledge, seeks Elisha. When Aram surrounds them, Elisha asks God to unveil the spiritual realm to his servant. Angels, symbolized by fiery horses and chariots, protect the Israelites. This unseen reality parallels the spiritual world around us. Although invisible, angels watch over us. In a surprising twist, Elisha blinds the Aramean soldiers but shows mercy, echoing Jesus' call to love enemies. Like Elisha, we can display kindness, guided by God's Spirit within.
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