Gideon: The Trivial Judge

Gideon: The Trivial Judge

In our last story, we learned how Jabin and Sisera oppressed Israel for over 20 years and so the Lord sent Deborah, the judge to direct Barak against them and so the Lord gave them into their hands with the help of Jael. In this story, we learn about the deliverance by Gideon from the Midianites by gathering an army, as inspired by the book of Judges.

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Judges 6:14
Today's story from Judges has a key phrase: "The Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord." They disobeyed God, chasing false gods, which made Him sad. God let their enemies oppress them until they cried out for help. Then, God sent a surprising rescuer: Gideon. Gideon wasn't impressive at first glance, but that's how God works. He uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things to remind us of His power and show our value to Him. God picked Gideon to rescue His people from the Midianites. Although Gideon doubted, God gave him signs to boost his confidence. So, remember, trust God even in your weaknesses. He's got you.
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