God Gives His People Jericho

God Gives His People Jericho

In our last story, we learned about Joshua and the Israelites crossing the Jordan River. In this story, we learn how God gives Jericho over to Joshua with some strange instruction to march around the city and blow trumpets, as inspired by the book of Joshua.

Joshua 6:2
Joshua leads Israel to the Promised Land, facing a huge problem: Jericho's massive wall. God's Commander appears, reminding Joshua that it's about God's plans, not just theirs. This lesson applies to us, too—God loves and cares for us, and we're part of His plan. Remember, God's in charge, bigger than our problems. Just like Jericho's walls fell when the Israelites obeyed God, our problems can crumble before God's power. The biggest problem, sin, was conquered by Jesus on the cross. I'm glad you joined today. Next time, hear about a man's sin causing loss and hurt.
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