He Came To Serve Everyone

He Came To Serve Everyone

In this story, Jesus teaches on who is the greatest, forgives Zacchaeus the tax-collector and heals blind Bartimaeus.

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Matthew 20:27-28
In a world that often equates greatness with power and prestige, Jesus presents a radically different model: greatness through service. Through the stories of Zacchaeus and Bartimaeus, and the request of James and John’s mother, we see that true greatness in God’s kingdom is measured by our willingness to serve and humble ourselves. Zacchaeus’ transformation and his decision to make reparations demonstrate the profound impact of Jesus' acceptance and love. Bartimaeus’ story reminds us of the importance of faith and the personal call Jesus extends to each of us. These narratives challenge us to reflect on our own paths to greatness, urging us to serve others as the ultimate expression of our faith and love for Christ.
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