Isaac and Rebekah

Isaac and Rebekah

Before this story, we learned how God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Abraham obeyed, but the Lord provided a ram instead and blessed Abraham for his obedience. Now, we will learn about Sarah passing away and Isaac meeting and marrying Rebekah as inspired by the book of Genesis.

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Genesis 24:67
God wrote a love story that began with a promise. Isaac’s mom, Sarah, had died. And his dad, Abraham, knew it was time for Isaac to find a wife. But Isaac couldn’t just marry any girl. Isaac needed to marry the right girl… the girl God chose. So he made his servant promise to travel back to Abraham’s homeland and find the woman God had chosen for Isaac. Then right on cue, we see her… Rebekah. She quickly offers to give the man a drink. Then she sees all his poor, tired camels so she gives water to the camels too! That’s the greatest love story of all time… but for all that to happen, a boy and girl first had to meet and fall in love. Do you remember the last scene in our love story between Isaac and Rebekah? Rebekah sees Isaac for the first time. He’s walking through his fields at sunset. The cool breeze carries the fragrance of the wildflowers through the air. Then… their eyes meet… and God’s good plan continues right on track.
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