Israel’s Return to God

Israel’s Return to God

In our last story, we learned how the Philistines put the ark of God in their temple, but their god statue fell on his face before it. No matter where they put the ark, that city became cursed, so they sent the ark away. In this story, we learn how Samuel cried out to God to save them from another attack of the Philistines, and after they were victorious demanded from Samuel they get a king, as inspired by the book of First Samuel.

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1 Samuel 7:12
In today's story, God's people, initially grateful and devoted, turned back to God by destroying their idols and seeking His forgiveness. When facing the Philistines again, God's thunderous intervention led to their victory. Samuel set up a stone altar called Ebenezer to remember God's help. Reflecting on God's goodness and help is vital. The people, however, longed for a king, and despite God's preference to be their sole ruler, He granted their wish. This decision would reveal the superiority of following God's ways.
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