Joshua and the Treaty

Joshua and the Treaty

In our last story, we learned about the sin of Achan and how Israel was not able to withstand AI, but after the Lord identified Achan and he was dealt with, the Lord told Joshua to take up the army against Ai again. They were victorious and destroyed the city and then Joshua read out the book of the law. In this story, we learn about the deceit of the Gibeonites how Israel decided to deal with their lie, and also how the sun stood still while the Israelites took revenge as inspired by the book of Joshua.

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Joshua 10:13-14
The Bible story had it all: disguises, tricks, battles, and that incredible moment when God stopped the sun! It reminds us of God's immense power and His care for us. God's creations, like the ocean, Grand Canyon, and mountains, make us feel small, but God is infinitely bigger. Yet, God's vastness doesn't mean He ignores us. When Joshua needed help, he asked, and God was there. Hebrews 13:5 assures us that God will never leave or forsake us. Joshua's prayer didn't need explaining because God had a plan for the Israelites. Likewise, God has good plans for you. His ultimate plan is an eternal relationship with Him, made possible by Jesus.
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