Joshua’s Farewell

Joshua’s Farewell

In our last story, we learned how the sun stood still so Joshua could defeat his enemies and how Joshua defeated the whole region. In this story we learn about the time of peace for Israel, Joshua’s goodbye and challenge to the people; he also goes to be with the Lord at the age of 110, as inspired by the book of Joshua.

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Joshua 23:14
Joshua witnessed incredible moments of God's power. He saw God's deliverance from Egypt, parting the Red Sea, providing food and water, toppling Jericho's walls, defending against enemies, and even stopping the sun. Joshua's parting message was about choosing to serve God or other idols. Everyone faces this choice, like following money, popularity, or power instead of God. Joshua's courageous stand reminds us to choose God, even when others don't. Losing everything but gaining God is gaining everything, as Jesus taught. So, remember, choose God. It's your best decision ever!
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