Josiah’s Reforms

Josiah’s Reforms

In this story, Josiah will make many reforms, cleanse the idols and properly celebrate Passover but the pharaoh of Egypt will also come and attack.

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2 Kings 23:25
"King Josiah, who began his reign at eight, stood out as a remarkable king devoted to God. His story teaches that age isn't a barrier to helping others love God. Similar to Josiah, you can start today by reading your Bible, sharing what you learn, and choosing to obey God courageously. Reflecting on the history of God's people, disobedience brought sadness, while obedience led to happiness. Despite past failures, when Josiah discovered God's Law, he committed to obedience, dismantling idol worship, and organizing a grand Passover celebration. Be brave, stand against wrong, and worship God with all your heart, soul, and strength, just like Josiah did."
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