King of Trees

King of Trees

In our last story, we saw Gideon defeating the Midianites and yet he refused to rule Israel. But when Gideon died Israel went back to idolatry. In this story, we will learn about Abimelech, son of Gideon who killed his brothers and ruled over Israel. Jotham, the youngest of brothers escapes and tells a powerful story and in due time Abimelech meets his demise, inspired by the book of Judges.

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Judges 9:8
Gideon's son, Abimelech, tried to become king through violence. His brother told the "king of trees" story to send a message: godly people serve others, but power-hungry folks like Abimelech just cause harm. The Book of Judges shows the Israelites going from bad to worse, with a recurring phrase: "And again the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord." Why? They forgot about God in their hearts, not just their heads. Do you ever do that too? Don't worry; even those who love God sometimes forget to follow Him. But remember, God never forgets us. He sent Jesus to rescue us when we'd forgotten Him.
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