Lepers, Judge, and Pride

Lepers, Judge, and Pride

In this story, Jesus tells a few stories to teach us about our relationship to God.

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Luke 18:14
Today’s stories illuminate the nature of a true friendship with God, showcasing gratitude, perseverance in prayer, and humility. The healed leper who returned to thank Jesus demonstrates the power of gratitude. Like him, we’re reminded to acknowledge every blessing, no matter how small, attributing our victories to God’s provision. In the tale of the persistent widow, we learn the value of unwavering prayer, encouraging us to approach God with our needs, confident that He hears us and will respond at the perfect time. Lastly, the contrast between the Pharisee and the tax collector in prayer teaches us about humility. It’s not our outward actions that define our faith, but a humble heart, aware of our imperfections and reliant on God’s mercy. Each story guides us back to these foundational attitudes in our relationship with God.
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