Micah and the Tribe of Dan

Micah and the Tribe of Dan

In our last story, we learned about how Samson loved Delilah, but she had his hair shaved so he lost his strength and was captured but asked God for strength and he died pulling down the Philistine temple. In this story, we learn how in a period where everyone did what was right in their own eyes Micah sets up an idol and appoints a Levite to be a priest, as inspired by the book of Judges.

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Judges 18:1
Micah had a tough day. He stole from his mom, who then forgave him by making an idol from the silver he stole. But remember, God said not to make idols because He wants to be worshipped alone. Idols can be anything you put before God in your heart. They take His place as the most important thing in your life. God's people struggled with this too. The story shows how people can forget God when they do things their way instead of His way. But we can choose differently. Remember, God's plan is the best plan, and keeping Him number one in your heart is the way to enjoy the life He wants for you.
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