Paul’s First Letter to Church in Corinth II

Paul’s First Letter to Church in Corinth II

In this story, we resume the letter and hear Paul’s heart about how they can live in a way that builds each other up.

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1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Paul had lots of advice for his friends in Corinth and used some interesting pictures to explain his ideas. First, he talked about athletes. Just like athletes train hard to win races or games, we should work hard to live good lives that make Jesus happy. Then, Paul talked about musical instruments like cymbals. He said even if we do lots of good things, it’s not helpful unless we do them with love. Love is the most important part of living like Jesus. Lastly, he compared the church to a body. Every part of our body is important, just like every person in church is important. We should care for each other and work together, not be jealous or think we are better than others. This helps everyone in the church be strong and happy.
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