Raising Lazarus

Raising Lazarus

In this story we will learn how Jesus raises his friend Lazarus from the dead as inspired by the Gospels.

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John 11:25-26
Today’s breathtaking narrative of Lazarus’ resurrection is a profound demonstration of Jesus’ power not only to heal but to bring back to life. As Jesus delayed his visit to Lazarus, allowing him to die, he was setting the stage for a greater revelation of His identity as “the Resurrection and the Life.” This story invites us to trust in Jesus’ timing and His supreme power over every circumstance, including death. When Jesus asks Martha if she believes, he extends the same question to us. Our affirmation of faith in who Jesus is can transform our lives, anchoring us in the truth that our belief in Him conquers eternal death and gifts us everlasting life. Let this story be a reminder to affirm our faith in Jesus, recognizing Him as the master over life and death.
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