Samson’s Downfall

Samson’s Downfall

In our last story, Samson had brought revenge against the Philistines. In this story, Samson’s character and personality will get the best of him, he will finally lose his strength and life because he allows his hair to be cut, as inspired by the book of Judges.

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Judges 16:28
Samson's life ended sadly. He had an amazing gift from God, incredible strength, but he often used it selfishly. He could've been a great hero, but his character was the problem - not his muscles. Character is who you are inside, influencing your actions. Samson's choices showed he cared more about himself than God's plans. His loss of strength symbolized this. You have gifts from God too, for His glory and others. Remember, your relationship with Jesus matters most. Don't waste your gifts; use them for God's glory and enjoy the life He created for you. Join us next time to learn from Micah's choices. The Bible is the best story, God's story to you, and it's all true.
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