Shunammite Woman

Shunammite Woman

In our last story, Elisha helped a widow, cleansed food, and made an axhead float. In this story, Elisha will tell a woman from Shunem she will have a son and then later revive the son from death, as inspired by 2 Kings.

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2 Kings 4:9-10
A Shunammite woman recognized Elisha's godly character, teaching us to stand out in a world that may tempt us otherwise. 1 Peter 2 reminds us that we're set apart for holiness as part of God’s royal family. The Shunammite woman exemplifies this by generously supporting Elisha, showing that we, too, can aid those serving God. The narrative takes a turn when Elisha, grateful for the woman's kindness, prays for her deepest desire—a son. Tragically, the boy falls ill and dies, but through fervent prayer, Elisha brings him back to life. It's a miraculous and joyful conclusion.
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