Solomon's God-Given Wisdom

Solomon's God-Given Wisdom

In our last story, David instructed Solomon to keep the law of God and to also punish Joab and Shimei. David died after ruling 40 years and Solomon had Joab, Shimei, and Adonijah executed. In this story, God is pleased with Solomon and God will give him what he asked for: wisdom to rule His people, inspired by 1 Kings and 2 Chronicles.

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1 Kings 3:12
Solomon's reign as king starts with an impressive display of wisdom. When God offered him any desire, he chose wisdom. This choice reveals valuable lessons: Solomon's honesty: He openly shared his struggles and doubts with God, a vital lesson in seeking answers. Putting others first: Solomon prioritized his people's welfare over personal gain by requesting wisdom and understanding. The significance of wisdom: Solomon's request recognized that wisdom surpasses mere knowledge; it involves discerning what's right and making wise decisions that lead to blessings. God granted Solomon exceptional wisdom, alongside earthly riches and a long life. His wise rule brought an era of peace and prosperity to Israel.
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