Stew and Axe

Stew and Axe

In our last story, when the war between Israel and Moab broke out, Elisha gave a word from the Lord that Moab would be given over to them. In this story, Elisha will help a widow and make an axhead float, as inspired by 2 Kings.

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2 Kings 4:3-4
A widow saved by miraculously multiplying oil, the poisonous soup turned into nourishment; bread multiplied to feed over 100, and a sunken axe head that miraculously floated—all seemingly random yet purposeful tales. God's nature remains unchanging throughout the Bible. The widow's oil echoes Jesus turning water into wine at a wedding , healing the sick mirrors, and transforming the poisonous soup into life-giving sustenance. The barley bread multiplication in Elisha's and Jesus' stories resonates as a distinctive God laugh. Lastly, Jesus walking on water mirrors rescuing friends from a sinking boat, showcasing His consistent divine nature. This puzzle of stories reveals that Jesus, God incarnate, fulfills the Bible. He declared, "I have not come to get rid of the Law, but to fulfill it." A beautiful picture of Him emerges as you piece together the Bible's mosaic.
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