The Book of Job

The Book of Job

In this story, we learn about a very good and obedient man and how God allows bad things to happen in his life, and as a result he learns a lot about life, his friends, and God’s control over everything, as inspired by the book of Job.

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Job 1:21-22
"Baruch Ata Adonai!" means "Blessed are you, O Lord!" It helped Job find hope in tough times. Job faced pain and confusion, but he still praised God. Even when people blamed him, Job trusted God's goodness. We can do the same. When life gets hard, say "Baruch Ata Adonai!" because Jesus overcame the world's challenges. Choose to run to God, not away from Him. Trust Jesus, who brings peace and joy in pain. He turns sadness into something beautiful. So remember, in tough times, say, "Blessed are you, O Lord!" Trust God, for He's always with you.
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