The Creation

The Creation

This Bible story teaches about the Good Creation of the heavens and earth.

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Genesis 1:1
When you build something out of Legos, you reflect God. He’s a creator too. When you do something good because you know it’s right, you reflect God. He is holy and 100% good all the time! When you care for animals like your dog, cat, or turtle, you reflect God. He cares for all His creatures. And when you love others, you reflect God. Because He loves everything He made, and His love makes all creation so special, including you! Lastly, the Bible says that God was so happy with everything He made that He sat back and rested on the seventh day. Can you let out a happy sigh like you just got done painting a beautiful picture? Your work was done. You loved it. So you sat back to take it all in. This is what the Bible means when it says that God rested. After all…He did create EVERYTHING!
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