The Rise of Samuel

The Rise of Samuel

In our last story, we learned about Ruth and the kinsman-redeemer, Boaz. Later we will learn how Jesus comes from the line of Ruth and Boaz. In this story, we begin a new adventure in 1 Samuel and here we will learn about the birth and call of Samuel, as inspired by the book of First Samuel.

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1 Samuel 1:28
In this story, we meet Hannah, a woman longing for a child. Seeking solace and help, she turned to God in prayer at the temple, promising to dedicate her child to His service. God answered her prayers, granting her a son named Samuel. Samuel grew up in the temple, mentored by the wise priest, Eli. Eli imparted essential lessons, including how to listen to God's voice. Samuel experienced a unique moment, hearing God call his name in the quiet of the night. God's voice, a subtle whisper in our hearts, guides us. We can attune to it by reading the Bible, finding a tranquil space, asking God to speak, and being patient with our response. During this night of divine communication, God revealed that Eli's family would face consequences for his son's misdeeds. Eli, though saddened, trusted God's judgment, paving the way for Samuel's role as God's faithful servant.
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