Victory After Victory

Victory After Victory

In our last story, Nathan the Prophet told David that his kingdom would be established forever. In this story, Hanun, King of Ammon will humiliate David's officials but David will dispatch soldiers for revenge against the Ammonites as inspired by 2 Samuel and 1 Chronicles.

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2 Samuel 10:12
Things didn't start well for David as the Ammonites disrespected his men by shaving their beards, a significant sign of disrespect in Bible times. Despite this, God continued to bless David and the nation of Israel. The reason for God's blessings was that the people honored and respected Him during David's reign. This demonstrates that, as God's children, we all have a purpose. Our purpose, according to Jesus in Luke 10:27, is to love God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Loving God involves thinking about Him, reading His Word, talking to Him, and trying to live in a way that pleases Him.
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